Written by Will who lives and works in New York. You should follow him on Bluesky.
Since I’ve recently been migrating my blog to gatsbyjs, and I’m hosting my blog on github pages, I also wanted to automate the deployment of…
A brief history of my blog: September 2005: I started my blog on blogspot. I believe the address was infomofo.blogspot.com. At this time it…
My recipe blog Food I Made is kind of my playground for all my random static site generation ideas as well as a place for me to share my…
A bullet journal can replace all the other similar paper products in your life. If you are going on a trip and maintaining a travel planner…
I use cotton pads to cleanse my face as part of my nightly routine, and I’ve really come to like the MUJI cut cotton pads. One issue I have…
I love to travel but I hate waiting for luggage carousels and fumbling with multiple bags in airports and train stations. Applying the…
After journaling for several years now, I’ve found that I prefer a pocket-sized notebook and maintain it on a monthly cycle instead of a…
I need a place to keep my recipes and thought it might finally be a good time to take down my old spam-comment infested blogspot. I decided…
I have a song stuck in my head from a commercial I saw as a child. It was for some kind of promotion for the Muppet movies maybe being…
Buzzfeed has a post about “googlegangers”, or people with the same name as you that prevent your name from coming to the surface in a google…
an excerpt from my unpublished book: 101 Final Fantasy Spells.Final Fantasy spells are a synthetic language with a moderate-to-high degree…
My friend’s cousin told me the hipster grifter started the swine flu in order to be able to pass freely around brooklyn in a mask. Pass it…
p = you liked it.q = you should have put a ring on it.pqp -> qTTTYou liked it and you put a ring on it.TFFYou liked it and you did not put a…
As promised, here’s my kinda dell mini 9 hackintosh howto and my experiences with it.HowtoPretty simply, I followed the instructions here…
So i finally got my Dell Mini 9, and hackintoshed it the first night I got it pretty much. I’m gonna write up a post on that later, because…
For some reason, the fact that they reduced the price on the dell mini 9 by 50 bucks prompted me to buy one. I’m gonna hackintosh it.It…
So I got bored and exhausted all my Google reader stories and main page stories, so I got to think about what I do to find the breaking news…
So I’m a week late, but I just watched the first ep of the new BSG season and:VERY LATE SPOILER AFTER JUMPEllen Tigh is the final Cylon…
I’m almost thirty. I’ve lived in New York for ten years. Sarcasm is my first reaction and response. I’m far too jaded to be heading down…
My Moleskine Notebook is one of my few Savage Indulgences*. Despite the fact that I have readily available at my desk my iPhone, my…
After four days in Tokyo, on my last night here, it is difficult for me to summarize my opinions of Tokyo into one blog post. Tokyo is so…
Meditations on BabelLook at units of measurement. I’m pretty sure that every kid in the civilized world, when they first learn of the…
Here’s a funny thing I just noticed. One of the Register articles today was posted with the enticing headline ”Anonymizer looks for chinks…
I hate the internet right now1. I mean, the ‘net is theoretically supposed to encourage creativity, but at the moment, I find it positively…
The minds at Penny-Arcade have a new comic dealing with their newfound feelings at having switched to the flamboyant Apple lifestyle. While…
I give Eater a lot of slack, because they’re part of the Gawker network which makes a living saying ridiculous things, and because they’re…
Ö = { all song titles x : | R(x | > 1 } Where the function R is a function enumerating all songs with that title that totally rock, but are…
In a recent review of Doom, film critic Roger Ebert dismissed the entire platform of video gaming in the context of art. When questioned…
After a little confusion, I thought i’d give Alex an fm to r, so here it is. For those of you who were unaware, everything(including each…
Whilst IMing a friend, I discovered a huge flaw with the English written language. Wanting to comment on a recent blog post of his, i told…
here.security prosrobots.txt discussion continued
I’m switching browsers, from Camino to Safari, which basically completes my transformation into a total Apple Whore. The only thing keeping…
Apple shares fell 10.5 % yesterday in after-hours trading, and it fell another $2.34 today.too much credit for masterminding the ROKR as an…
Refresh… Eat… Refresh… Eat…The saddest thing is that I’m not only watching the apple announcements like a total psycho, I’m also streaming…
My friend Rob is an internet meme… and not one of the dirty ones!He made a trailer for a contest, in which he had to re-cut a movie into a…
The last few posts have been light on graphics, so I thought I’d post this creation of mine made with Comic Life.
Well, it’s been a fun month, but I have to say sayonara to this blog and hola to my new blog, a WordPress blog hosted at infomofo.blogsome…